Did you know ? "The python spirit comes in many forms in the Body of Christ that uses its venomous powers to suck the very life of God’s people. It is an ancient demonic spirit that houses itself amongst people who have open spiritual doors in their lives for Demonic influence." Demonologist Stephen Bridges Jr. |
These are some of the Signs the spirit of divination is operating in a persons life.
Gets easily hurt or offended, Has trouble with relationships and thrives in constant drama
and strife. Crying, weeping a lot and using guilt to manipulate you.
When you try to use boundaries with them they get offended.
Selling spiritual gifts.
For example, a person with a python spirit may
charge people to give them a word of Prophecy or Deliverance, which is not biblical.
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. You have received without payment, so give without payment. (Matthew 10:8)
Gets easily hurt or offended, Has trouble with relationships and thrives in constant drama
and strife. Crying, weeping a lot and using guilt to manipulate you.
When you try to use boundaries with them they get offended.
Selling spiritual gifts.
For example, a person with a python spirit may
charge people to give them a word of Prophecy or Deliverance, which is not biblical.
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. You have received without payment, so give without payment. (Matthew 10:8)
Father God, I come in the Name of Jesus and renounce and repent for all the sins and transgressions of myself, and all of my ancestors back to Adam and Eve, having to do with opening doors to satan, the python spirit, the nahash spirit, and any and all of their cohorts and minions including witchcraft, divination, occultism, necromancy, sorcery, gossip, slander, heaviness, weariness, fatigue, frustration, confusion, depression, oppression, seducing spirit, beguiling spirits, jezebel spirit, and spirits of controlling, dominating and manipulation. I renounce, and break all soul ties, contracts, covenants,
agreements with all of these spirits or people, I or anyone in my bloodline has created or established, with python and/or any of these other spirits.I renounce and repent for all activities, rituals, vocations, avocations, beliefs having to do with python and these other spirits. Lord God, on behalf of myself and my entire paternal and maternal bloodlines back to Adam and Eve, I repent of, reject, refuse, renounce and divorce all demonic spirits of perversity including incubus, succubus, lust, pornography, pedophilia, sexual perversion including rape, assault and abuse, voyeurism, domination, brutality, sodomy, confusion, gender confusion, astral projection and spirit travel, mischievous, trouble- making, double-mindedness, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, idolatry, hard-heartedness, unbelief, anger, rage, bitterness, unforgiveness, false accusation, familiar and familial, pride, rebellion, death, murder and destruction. Father God, I renounce and repent for all the times and ways I and my bloodline have compromised and/or surrendered Your vision and purposes, surrendered and compromised as an Intercessor, lived in spiritual dryness, rebelliousness and selfishness,not doing what You wanted and needed me to when You wanted and needed it done. I repent for surrendering ground to the enemy. In Jesus' name I pray.
agreements with all of these spirits or people, I or anyone in my bloodline has created or established, with python and/or any of these other spirits.I renounce and repent for all activities, rituals, vocations, avocations, beliefs having to do with python and these other spirits. Lord God, on behalf of myself and my entire paternal and maternal bloodlines back to Adam and Eve, I repent of, reject, refuse, renounce and divorce all demonic spirits of perversity including incubus, succubus, lust, pornography, pedophilia, sexual perversion including rape, assault and abuse, voyeurism, domination, brutality, sodomy, confusion, gender confusion, astral projection and spirit travel, mischievous, trouble- making, double-mindedness, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, idolatry, hard-heartedness, unbelief, anger, rage, bitterness, unforgiveness, false accusation, familiar and familial, pride, rebellion, death, murder and destruction. Father God, I renounce and repent for all the times and ways I and my bloodline have compromised and/or surrendered Your vision and purposes, surrendered and compromised as an Intercessor, lived in spiritual dryness, rebelliousness and selfishness,not doing what You wanted and needed me to when You wanted and needed it done. I repent for surrendering ground to the enemy. In Jesus' name I pray.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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Occult controlled:
Understanding the power of the media and television.
Understanding the power of the media and television.
"Hocus Pocus"
They put a spell on you?
Satanic agents control most of the media and television today. ( "Tell-a-vision.”)
The television and media is a very powerful occult tool. To understand how the television and media can be used to program the mind, let us investigate the words "media" and "television." By investigating these two words, we will uncover interesting words and information to help us understand the occult power of the media and television. As a non-collective noun, the word media is the plural form of the word medium, meaning "a middle state or condition; mean." It can also mean "an intervening substance, as air, through which a force acts or an effect is produced" or "one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television" . The word medium is derived from the Latin word medius, meaning middle.
”A word that has a strong connection to the word medium is television, which is made up of the prefix tele- and the word vision." defines the word television using these words: "the transmission of programming, in the form of still or moving images, via radio waves, cable wires, satellite, or wireless network to a receiver or other screen”.
The same online dictionary also defines it as "an electronic device or set for receiving television broadcasts or similar programming”. An important word that we need to investigate in the previous definition is programming. This word is made up of the word program, meaning "a plan of action to accomplish a specified end" or "a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed." It is important to know that programs contain words and symbols. Every word is made up of letters, which are symbols that represent ideas, also known as ideograms. All letters of the alphabet have the power to convey information. Because of this, they can be used to program the mind. In a television show, also known as a TV show, words are used to convey information to viewers to program their minds. This is why TV shows are called TV programs. They are using TV programs and the art of spelling words to program our minds. An important word that we need to investigate in the previous sentence is spelling. This word can be reduced to the word spell, meaning "a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power". Words have magic power and therefore each letter of a word is a sigil, meaning "a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic”
”A word that has a strong connection to the word medium is television, which is made up of the prefix tele- and the word vision." defines the word television using these words: "the transmission of programming, in the form of still or moving images, via radio waves, cable wires, satellite, or wireless network to a receiver or other screen”.
The same online dictionary also defines it as "an electronic device or set for receiving television broadcasts or similar programming”. An important word that we need to investigate in the previous definition is programming. This word is made up of the word program, meaning "a plan of action to accomplish a specified end" or "a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed." It is important to know that programs contain words and symbols. Every word is made up of letters, which are symbols that represent ideas, also known as ideograms. All letters of the alphabet have the power to convey information. Because of this, they can be used to program the mind. In a television show, also known as a TV show, words are used to convey information to viewers to program their minds. This is why TV shows are called TV programs. They are using TV programs and the art of spelling words to program our minds. An important word that we need to investigate in the previous sentence is spelling. This word can be reduced to the word spell, meaning "a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power". Words have magic power and therefore each letter of a word is a sigil, meaning "a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic”
Anton LaVey
He was the founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of Satanism.
He was the founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of Satanism.
Because words have magic power, they can be used to hypnotize the mind with positive or negative spells. Furthermore, they can be used to stimulate the mind to produce thoughts, which can be transformed into ideas. The subconscious mind projects many of these thoughts and ideas into the external world as material things. In other words, the material objects that we see around us are projected thoughts clothed with material form. Because words have the power to stimulate the mind to produce thoughts, they can be used to control the collective reality of mankind. One of the best technologies for doing this is television, which is phonetically "tell-a-vision.”
When you really think about it, you should realize that television or "tell-a-vision" is being used to tell you a vision to program your mind with magic spells. This is why the word broadcast is used to convey the transmission of TV programs to viewers. Did you notice that the word broadcast has the word cast in it? To broadcast programs through the medium television is to cast magic spells to hypnotize the mind with sigils, which are magic symbols, also known as letters and words. Keep in mind that television can be used for good or evil purposes. Unfortunately, in the United States and many nations throughout the world, the Dark Force and its agents control most of the media. Because of this, they are able to broadcast disempowering and deceptive words through the power of television to hypnotize men, women, and children, allowing the Dark Force to create a world that supports sinful ideas and demonic behaviors..
When you really think about it, you should realize that television or "tell-a-vision" is being used to tell you a vision to program your mind with magic spells. This is why the word broadcast is used to convey the transmission of TV programs to viewers. Did you notice that the word broadcast has the word cast in it? To broadcast programs through the medium television is to cast magic spells to hypnotize the mind with sigils, which are magic symbols, also known as letters and words. Keep in mind that television can be used for good or evil purposes. Unfortunately, in the United States and many nations throughout the world, the Dark Force and its agents control most of the media. Because of this, they are able to broadcast disempowering and deceptive words through the power of television to hypnotize men, women, and children, allowing the Dark Force to create a world that supports sinful ideas and demonic behaviors..
I will set no worthless or wicked thing before my eyes.
(Psalm 101:3)
It's not possible for us to avoid all the evil that is in the world. But we can avoid evil in many respects, including TV, movies, the Internet, video games, books, magazines, and music.
My last and final point in this blog is pay attention to what you are watching and who you are supporting with your streaming services. Stay away from Netflix and Disney+
who push occult beliefs and sexual perversions to our kids.
who push occult beliefs and sexual perversions to our kids.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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Deliverance & Exorcism is often a process
While deliverance can be a one-time event, it can also be a process. If you don’t receive all your freedom at once, don’t be discouraged! Sometimes it takes time to dig out all the junk in our souls. One session you may address one area of your life, while in another, you may address bondages in another. Or sometimes you may have several sessions to address issues in one area of your life. Either way, don’t be discouraged. Many times it takes multiple sessions before a person is completely delivered. Sessions can range from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the bondage that must be sorted out and worked through.
The goal of deliverance is wholeness
It is easy to think of the deliverance ministry as a quick-fix… simply casting out demons takes away all of a person’s bondages. The ministry of deliverance is often a process which involves more than simply driving out the demons. There are usually strongholds to be torn down. Since strongholds are incorrect thinking patterns, this is done through the renewing of your mind according to the Word of God. There is often inner healing that needs to take place as well.
The purpose of deliverance
is to receive freedom from any hindrances in your life that would keep you from walking in
the fullness of God’s plan for your life and your relationship with Him.
Deliverance from..
Legal grounds,
as many of us call them, are basically things in a person’s life which are giving or have given a demon the right to enter or remain in the person. Unconfessed sins, ungodly soul ties, unforgiveness, holding cursed possessions (occult rings, etc.) and so fourth can give demons a right to inhabit and torment a person.
are basically incorrect thinking patterns in your mind. If you think God is angry with you, then you will feel like He is (when nothing could be further from the truth). If you think you are worthless, then you will feel worthless. Strongholds are torn down as you meditate as specific areas of God’s Word which reprograms your mind to think differently. If God sees you as a precious child of His, and you begin to realize and believe that…
it will change the way you see yourself for example.
Inner healing
is often required when ministering to somebody who has been abused, raped or has been exposed to a traumatic experience. Inner healing is a working of the Holy Spirit and is received as a person releases the inner hurt and pain from past experiences and allows the Holy Spirit to come in and heal those wounds. Forgiveness often plays a part in this releasing process and is done by faith (even if you don’t feel like you could ever forgive somebody for the damage they’ve done). Oftentimes, self-forgiveness needs to be received as the person is holding things against themself which must be released.
Casting out demons
is where the demons are confronted in Jesus’ name and driven out of the person. This step is where the actual demons are expelled from the person and cannot be overlooked in most cases. Even if you do feel a measure of freedom after tearing down strongholds and breaking up legal grounds,
demons may still be present and need to be cast out.
What you can expect during a deliverance or exorcism
Feelings or emotions
will often rise up as spirits are confronted. For example, if we are dealing with a spirit of grief, the person may experience deep levels of grief as it is manifesting and being driven out.
Mild manifestations
often involve coughing, spitting up phlegm, burping, deep yawning or sighing, pressure or pain in areas of your body, shaking, screaming, etc. If you feel these things coming at you, don’t resist them… let the demons manifest and come fourth. Demons may use your vocal system to speak through you to the minister.
Stronger manifestations
are usually found in cases where a person is being delivered from severe oppression, deliverance from occult involvement or Satanism. You are often not conscience when these spirits manifest. They can cause your body to levitate, physically struggle with those present for the deliverance, cause a demonic convulsion, and so fourth. If you have been involved in energy healing, new age practices, false religions, witchcraft, occult, Satanism or other deeper demonic practices, then it doesn’t hurt to let your minister know in advanced so he or she can have additional support present during the deliverance session.
Things not to do during exorcism or deliverance..
The enemy can try to bombard you with doubt, fear and make you feel like you will never be set free. My advise is for you to fight those feelings as much as you can. Saying to yourself, “I will never be set free!” is doubting
the works of God.
When demons are manifesting or being driven out of you, it is usually best not to do much talking. Spirits often leave through the person’s mouth, and it is true that we can hold them back from coming out
if we obstruct their passageway.
Hanging on to your bondage can literally keep you from being delivered. It is important to LET GO and allow the demons to be released. Trying to remove a spirit of fear while you’re choosing in your mind to agree with it (being fearful) is not an easy task. You need to be determined to have faith in Jesus, which is the opposite of fear.
Keep your minister informed on what is going on..
Before your deliverance, while filling out the questionnaire, do you experience any uncomfortable feelings, nervousness, shaking, etc. while trying to answer certain questions? If so, let the minister know what the questions were because it is likely arousing a spirit in you that doesn’t want those legal grounds to be broken.
While deliverance can be a one-time event, it can also be a process. If you don’t receive all your freedom at once, don’t be discouraged! Sometimes it takes time to dig out all the junk in our souls. One session you may address one area of your life, while in another, you may address bondages in another. Or sometimes you may have several sessions to address issues in one area of your life. Either way, don’t be discouraged. Many times it takes multiple sessions before a person is completely delivered. Sessions can range from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the bondage that must be sorted out and worked through.
The goal of deliverance is wholeness
It is easy to think of the deliverance ministry as a quick-fix… simply casting out demons takes away all of a person’s bondages. The ministry of deliverance is often a process which involves more than simply driving out the demons. There are usually strongholds to be torn down. Since strongholds are incorrect thinking patterns, this is done through the renewing of your mind according to the Word of God. There is often inner healing that needs to take place as well.
The purpose of deliverance
is to receive freedom from any hindrances in your life that would keep you from walking in
the fullness of God’s plan for your life and your relationship with Him.
Deliverance from..
Legal grounds,
as many of us call them, are basically things in a person’s life which are giving or have given a demon the right to enter or remain in the person. Unconfessed sins, ungodly soul ties, unforgiveness, holding cursed possessions (occult rings, etc.) and so fourth can give demons a right to inhabit and torment a person.
are basically incorrect thinking patterns in your mind. If you think God is angry with you, then you will feel like He is (when nothing could be further from the truth). If you think you are worthless, then you will feel worthless. Strongholds are torn down as you meditate as specific areas of God’s Word which reprograms your mind to think differently. If God sees you as a precious child of His, and you begin to realize and believe that…
it will change the way you see yourself for example.
Inner healing
is often required when ministering to somebody who has been abused, raped or has been exposed to a traumatic experience. Inner healing is a working of the Holy Spirit and is received as a person releases the inner hurt and pain from past experiences and allows the Holy Spirit to come in and heal those wounds. Forgiveness often plays a part in this releasing process and is done by faith (even if you don’t feel like you could ever forgive somebody for the damage they’ve done). Oftentimes, self-forgiveness needs to be received as the person is holding things against themself which must be released.
Casting out demons
is where the demons are confronted in Jesus’ name and driven out of the person. This step is where the actual demons are expelled from the person and cannot be overlooked in most cases. Even if you do feel a measure of freedom after tearing down strongholds and breaking up legal grounds,
demons may still be present and need to be cast out.
What you can expect during a deliverance or exorcism
Feelings or emotions
will often rise up as spirits are confronted. For example, if we are dealing with a spirit of grief, the person may experience deep levels of grief as it is manifesting and being driven out.
Mild manifestations
often involve coughing, spitting up phlegm, burping, deep yawning or sighing, pressure or pain in areas of your body, shaking, screaming, etc. If you feel these things coming at you, don’t resist them… let the demons manifest and come fourth. Demons may use your vocal system to speak through you to the minister.
Stronger manifestations
are usually found in cases where a person is being delivered from severe oppression, deliverance from occult involvement or Satanism. You are often not conscience when these spirits manifest. They can cause your body to levitate, physically struggle with those present for the deliverance, cause a demonic convulsion, and so fourth. If you have been involved in energy healing, new age practices, false religions, witchcraft, occult, Satanism or other deeper demonic practices, then it doesn’t hurt to let your minister know in advanced so he or she can have additional support present during the deliverance session.
Things not to do during exorcism or deliverance..
The enemy can try to bombard you with doubt, fear and make you feel like you will never be set free. My advise is for you to fight those feelings as much as you can. Saying to yourself, “I will never be set free!” is doubting
the works of God.
When demons are manifesting or being driven out of you, it is usually best not to do much talking. Spirits often leave through the person’s mouth, and it is true that we can hold them back from coming out
if we obstruct their passageway.
Hanging on to your bondage can literally keep you from being delivered. It is important to LET GO and allow the demons to be released. Trying to remove a spirit of fear while you’re choosing in your mind to agree with it (being fearful) is not an easy task. You need to be determined to have faith in Jesus, which is the opposite of fear.
Keep your minister informed on what is going on..
Before your deliverance, while filling out the questionnaire, do you experience any uncomfortable feelings, nervousness, shaking, etc. while trying to answer certain questions? If so, let the minister know what the questions were because it is likely arousing a spirit in you that doesn’t want those legal grounds to be broken.
Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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Generational influences have the ability to bring blessings or curses to your life. An understanding of this reality brings the power to change not only your life, but the lives of your family members as well.
What are Generational Curses?
First let us explore the meaning of some of these terms, so we can better understand what we are talking about. Here are the definitions from
Generational: “the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as
the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring.”
Ancestors: a person from whom one is descended; forebear;progenitor.
Curse: the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall a person, group, etc.
A formulaor charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
A curse is basically ill intent upon another person, released through sin, ignorance or rebellion. So a generational curse is ill intent upon a family generation, or specific members of ancestry, that was released through the sin, ignorance or rebellion of previous ancestors. How does a generational curse come about? Look at what the Bible has to say about being cursed:
Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness,
in an uninhabited salt land.”
(Jeremiah 17:5-6)
What happens is that not only is the curses handed down, but demons move right in and take advantage of this often at a very young age in a person's life (often before birth). The person then goes throughout life struggling with the same bondages that their parents struggle with. The good news is that the Blood of Jesus is more powerful than any bondage that may have been handed down to you! You can be set free and completely released from the effects of any generational curses handed down to you!
If you struggle with the same bondages as your parents, or see siblings with the same problems, then it is quite possible that you are suffering from the effects of a generational curse. Many times when you see three generations suffering from depression, it's almost always a generational curse at work and a spirit of heaviness took advantage of those cures in each of their lives through the defilement that was passed down.
Evidences of Curses
(Deuteronomy 28:15-68)
contains fifty three verses listing generational curses.
Here are just a few of the symptoms of curses listed there:
Poverty, Child abuse, Adultery, Sexual abuse, Divorce, Domestic violence, Suicide, Child abuse,
Alcoholism, ,Drug addiction, Perversion, Mental illness, Immorality,
Destructive attitudes and behaviors.
Each of these can be, but are not always, the result of a generational curse, and most have their root in idolatry. Many people, if not most, can identify some of these symptoms that have passed on from generation to generation. How about you? When you look at your family tree, do you see a pattern of any of these things?
(Deuteronomy 28:15-68)
contains fifty three verses listing generational curses.
Here are just a few of the symptoms of curses listed there:
Poverty, Child abuse, Adultery, Sexual abuse, Divorce, Domestic violence, Suicide, Child abuse,
Alcoholism, ,Drug addiction, Perversion, Mental illness, Immorality,
Destructive attitudes and behaviors.
Each of these can be, but are not always, the result of a generational curse, and most have their root in idolatry. Many people, if not most, can identify some of these symptoms that have passed on from generation to generation. How about you? When you look at your family tree, do you see a pattern of any of these things?
The Blood of Jesus
Hebrews 9:22 tells us, “According to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission.” Here are two basic principles you need to know:
1) A generational curse comes through the blood line.
2) A generational curse can only be cancelled by blood.
Hebrews 9:22 tells us, “According to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission.” Here are two basic principles you need to know:
1) A generational curse comes through the blood line.
2) A generational curse can only be cancelled by blood.
Breaking the Curse
If you are living under a generational curse,
it will be cancelled when you, through faith, appropriate
the blood of Jesus for your deliverance.
You can pray and make this your confession:
Thank you, God, that generational curses are broken through faith in the blood of Jesus. I put my faith in the blood. I believe Jesus is my mercy seat and that His blood cancels the curse and breaks generational iniquities. I believe, by the blood of Jesus, that the generational curse from the law is cancelled and broken off my family now, in Jesus’ name. Thank you that sins, bondages and iniquities are cancelled and the curse is stopped by the blood of Jesus.
Thank you, God, that the blood of Jesus on the mercy seat is a barrier and that a curse cannot pass the blood. Amen.
Choose Life and Blessing
We saw previously in (Exodus 20:5-6 )how God visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth of generations, but did you notice the rest of that verse? It says that the blessing goes, not only three or four generations, but up to a thousand generations – and the blessing is much stronger than the curse! How do we pass this blessing on to future generations? By loving God and keeping His commands and it starts by choosing
life and blessing.
God, in (Deuteronomy 30:15,19 ) says, “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil…I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants
may live.”
If you are living under a generational curse,
it will be cancelled when you, through faith, appropriate
the blood of Jesus for your deliverance.
You can pray and make this your confession:
Thank you, God, that generational curses are broken through faith in the blood of Jesus. I put my faith in the blood. I believe Jesus is my mercy seat and that His blood cancels the curse and breaks generational iniquities. I believe, by the blood of Jesus, that the generational curse from the law is cancelled and broken off my family now, in Jesus’ name. Thank you that sins, bondages and iniquities are cancelled and the curse is stopped by the blood of Jesus.
Thank you, God, that the blood of Jesus on the mercy seat is a barrier and that a curse cannot pass the blood. Amen.
Choose Life and Blessing
We saw previously in (Exodus 20:5-6 )how God visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth of generations, but did you notice the rest of that verse? It says that the blessing goes, not only three or four generations, but up to a thousand generations – and the blessing is much stronger than the curse! How do we pass this blessing on to future generations? By loving God and keeping His commands and it starts by choosing
life and blessing.
God, in (Deuteronomy 30:15,19 ) says, “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil…I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants
may live.”
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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The Curses of Incest and being aIllegitimate Child
Illegitimacy and incest are the only two curses in the Bible that affect ten generations
Illegitimate the term is not frequently heard today, the Bible uses the word “illegitimate” to refer to children born to unwed parents. I have witnessed that the most common demonic strongholds to hinder these children are as follows: rejection, abandonment, insecurity,
hiding, and shame.
hiding, and shame.
(Rev. 12:4)
and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her
Child as soon as it was born.”
The enemy will use any opening he can to bring torment against children. Illegitimacy and incest are the only two curses in the Bible that affect ten generations. A person of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants,
even to the tenth generation (Deut. 23:2).
From the inception of this curse, ten generations equals 2048 descendants!
The statistics published by the Center for Disease Control show that 40.6% of all births are born to unmarried parents. The number is astounding. Last year that number
was 1,595,873 children.
To break it down further by ethnicity: 72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock, 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives, 53.3 percent of Hispanics, 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders.
I see it on the faces of my clients when I ask them if their parents were married when they were born. Their body language shifts and their continence changes. I can see shame and embarrassment as they say;
“I am illegitimate, and so are my children.”
Often my clients will tell me; “My mother was really young when she had me. She hid her pregnancy from her parents because she was ashamed of me. I was not wanted and I have always felt rejected. I feel guilty for ruining my mother’s chances at life. She gave everything up for me and I got pregnant at the same age
she did. Word curses of rejection can begin at conception. They are the foundation for demonic birth assignments constructed to hinder the child throughout their life.
Many clients know their parents considered aborting them. This knowledge immediately invites demonic spirits of rejection and insecurity to begin their destructive work.
I remember when I started noticing a pattern of these tormentors with a client years back. She always felt disconnected. She called herself the “black sheep” of the family. She isolated herself and hid in fear as a child. This pattern continued into adulthood as she hid to avoid family gatherings. She had trouble staying connected to the Church.The enemy is no respecter of person. He will use any entry way to keep God’s children from fulfilling their purpose in life. His mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10)
Break the Birth Assignment Today!
Speak out loud:
“In the name of Christ, I confess the sin of illegitimacy from my forefathers and declare the power of this inherited curse broken on my bloodline. I also break the power of any word curses spoken over me of not being wanted, list all word curses and who spoke them. I also break any unknown curses and those I have declared over myself. I cancel the assignment of every spirit of rejection, isolation, insecurity, abandonment and shame from these curses and declare that you have no hold on me, in Christ name. I am a child of the King! I am loved! I was planned by God. He knew me before he formed me in my mother’s womb. I am blessed not cursed. I am embraced, not rejected. I am free!”
This declaration will begin a new journey for you on the road to freedom. Your next steps may include a deeper path through deliverance.Let us know if we can help you begin.
and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her
Child as soon as it was born.”
The enemy will use any opening he can to bring torment against children. Illegitimacy and incest are the only two curses in the Bible that affect ten generations. A person of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants,
even to the tenth generation (Deut. 23:2).
From the inception of this curse, ten generations equals 2048 descendants!
The statistics published by the Center for Disease Control show that 40.6% of all births are born to unmarried parents. The number is astounding. Last year that number
was 1,595,873 children.
To break it down further by ethnicity: 72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock, 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives, 53.3 percent of Hispanics, 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders.
I see it on the faces of my clients when I ask them if their parents were married when they were born. Their body language shifts and their continence changes. I can see shame and embarrassment as they say;
“I am illegitimate, and so are my children.”
Often my clients will tell me; “My mother was really young when she had me. She hid her pregnancy from her parents because she was ashamed of me. I was not wanted and I have always felt rejected. I feel guilty for ruining my mother’s chances at life. She gave everything up for me and I got pregnant at the same age
she did. Word curses of rejection can begin at conception. They are the foundation for demonic birth assignments constructed to hinder the child throughout their life.
Many clients know their parents considered aborting them. This knowledge immediately invites demonic spirits of rejection and insecurity to begin their destructive work.
I remember when I started noticing a pattern of these tormentors with a client years back. She always felt disconnected. She called herself the “black sheep” of the family. She isolated herself and hid in fear as a child. This pattern continued into adulthood as she hid to avoid family gatherings. She had trouble staying connected to the Church.The enemy is no respecter of person. He will use any entry way to keep God’s children from fulfilling their purpose in life. His mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10)
Break the Birth Assignment Today!
Speak out loud:
“In the name of Christ, I confess the sin of illegitimacy from my forefathers and declare the power of this inherited curse broken on my bloodline. I also break the power of any word curses spoken over me of not being wanted, list all word curses and who spoke them. I also break any unknown curses and those I have declared over myself. I cancel the assignment of every spirit of rejection, isolation, insecurity, abandonment and shame from these curses and declare that you have no hold on me, in Christ name. I am a child of the King! I am loved! I was planned by God. He knew me before he formed me in my mother’s womb. I am blessed not cursed. I am embraced, not rejected. I am free!”
This declaration will begin a new journey for you on the road to freedom. Your next steps may include a deeper path through deliverance.Let us know if we can help you begin.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
DEMONOLOGIST STEPHEN BRIDGES @ PARANORMAL FEST 2021 ( Victoria's Black Swan Inn San Antonio, Texas).
Exposing The Occult: Hypnosis and Yoga Can Open The Doors For Demonic Possession or Afflictions.
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Exposing The Occult
Hypnosis and Yoga Can Open The Doors For Demonic Possession or Afflictions.
Hypnosis and yoga are a couple of mystical practices which have basically gone mainstream in America today. Just because a spiritual practice goes mainstream however,
doesn't mean that it is safe and beneficial.
Many spiritual teachings and practices are dangerous to the soul. This calls for daily discernment and constant vigilance on the part of every Christian. Altered states of consciousness and other mystical practices open doors in the spiritual realm. Once a door is opened, a person becomes vulnerable to any spirits which come through that door. For example, a seance opens a door.
So do animal sacrifices....and all voodoo rituals as well.
Astrology is another spiritual exercise which opens a door.
Hypnosis is basic to the Eastern religions. Prominent hypnotists have estimated that there are probably over 100 different stages of hypnotic trance. Christians should never allow themselves to be put in a trance....regardless of who is leading you into that mental state of relaxation.
No matter what obstacles we face, God will help us if we rely upon Him rather than
magical or mystical experiences.
doesn't mean that it is safe and beneficial.
Many spiritual teachings and practices are dangerous to the soul. This calls for daily discernment and constant vigilance on the part of every Christian. Altered states of consciousness and other mystical practices open doors in the spiritual realm. Once a door is opened, a person becomes vulnerable to any spirits which come through that door. For example, a seance opens a door.
So do animal sacrifices....and all voodoo rituals as well.
Astrology is another spiritual exercise which opens a door.
Hypnosis is basic to the Eastern religions. Prominent hypnotists have estimated that there are probably over 100 different stages of hypnotic trance. Christians should never allow themselves to be put in a trance....regardless of who is leading you into that mental state of relaxation.
No matter what obstacles we face, God will help us if we rely upon Him rather than
magical or mystical experiences.
The Demonic Deity's of Yoga
Yoga is rooted in the occult. Most people are deceived into thinking that yoga is just a sequence
of exercises that promote health, relaxation and wellbeing. Far from it, it is deity worship and an open door for demonic attacks on people that practise them.
Every pose in yoga is a worship position to a Hindu deity
Deuteronomy 12:30
But be careful that you don’t fall into the same trap they did!
Don’t go to their false gods for help.
The physical exercises of yoga are designed to prepare the body for the spiritual changes which yoga produces. Some of the reported symptoms of a "Kundalini Awakening" through yoga include: itching, burning, cramping, twitching of skin and body, severe emotional mood swings, anxiety, depression, rage, fear and dread, mental confusion, and even paranormal activity. In short, yoga never produces Christ-centered peace.
A person may enter into a seance or hypnosis or do yoga with innocent motives. That doesn't solve the problem. When you open a door to spirits, you place yourself in harm's way....unless you are turning to the Holy Spirit. No born again believer should utilize yoga or hypnosis because of the spiritual dangers associated with these practices. Even when facilitated by a "professional", the dangers far outweigh any potential benefits.
A person may enter into a seance or hypnosis or do yoga with innocent motives. That doesn't solve the problem. When you open a door to spirits, you place yourself in harm's way....unless you are turning to the Holy Spirit. No born again believer should utilize yoga or hypnosis because of the spiritual dangers associated with these practices. Even when facilitated by a "professional", the dangers far outweigh any potential benefits.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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The Negative Effects of Ungodly Soul Ties
Definition of Soul Ties
souls knit together, spiritual connection between our soul and another person’s soul, become one flesh and ties two souls together in the spiritual realm.
Ungodly Soul ties can also be found in close friendships – Co-dependency being connected emotionally (not sexually). They are not just limited to marriage but anyone who we become dependent on with one another over God. For example: King David and Jonathan. This is also known as inordinate affection (co-dependency), no sex involved. It is calling evil good. This opens the door to demonic oppression symptoms.
1 Samuel 18:1, “And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”
Ungodly Soul ties can develop between a mother and son and the son is not able to bond with his wife because of the demand and manipulation of the mother or mother with daughter because of ungodly soul ties – co-dependency issues.
The Negative Effects of Ungodly Soul Ties
Ungodly Soul ties can be used for the devil’s advantage by holding two people in hostage to each other when outside of marriage. Do you suffer from a broken heart – cannot forget the person you have been with? You are in another relationship and maybe married but cannot forget this person and it affects your relationship with your present relationship and/or marriage.
More definition of Soul Ties: Ungodly Soul ties formed from sex outside of marriage causes a person to become defiled in the spiritual realm. The heart gets tangled and is hard to break loose once that soul tie is in place. It is like invisible ropes and cords connecting you with the other person.
Genesis 34:2-3, “And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spoke kindly unto the damsel.
Ungodly Soul Ties to Ex-lover
The common problem is the person will still have ‘feelings’ towards an ex-lover that they may not have seen in years but still think about them even 20 years down the road. That person could be married and have a good marriage but it is still connected to their mind. You cannot stop thinking about them and can interfere with intimacy with your present husband. That is a sexual soul tie.
In friendship relationship, one person usually is controlling the other (matriarchal witchcraft) and the other has allowed it and is hard to break free from an unhealthy relationship. Another name co-dependency. One in control and the other dependent on the other.
In a mother son or mother daughter relationship there is usually manipulation through guilt and shame. The relationship is unhealthy! Example, the son has to drop everything to take care of the mother. This opens the door for the other partner to go into an adulterous relationship.
An Ungodly Soul tie grabs hold of you in the now and pulls you in the past. You cannot operate in the now with truth and logic reality and will mess everything around you in the now because your mind and soul
and emotions are tied to the other person.
Breaking Ungodly Soul
1. Take Responsibility
2. Recognize
3. Repent
4. Renounce any claim
5. Cast it Down
6. Cut the Cords
7. Refuse to go back
8. Rebuke the enemy
9. Reorder your life
10. Get rid of the stuff
11. Renew your commitment to the Lord
Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties Prayer
Father God, in the name Christ of Nazareth, I repent and renounce my ungodly soul ties to someone else or something. I ask for your forgiveness and from any and all sexual sins I have committed. I now ask, in the name of Christ of Nazareth, that by the power all ungodly sexual soul ties in my past or present would be broken! I ask that my soul will be released and broken from the other soul or other person or thing now.
I call back all fragments of my soul so that I may be whole, complete and pure. I send back all soul fragments of those I became one with. I command that my mind forget that union (or unions) and right now I release all false responsibility or guilt for that person (or persons or thing). I also command my emotions to “let go and forget” in the name of Christ of Nazareth. I now command every evil spirit that gained access to my life, through any ungodly sexual soul tie or yoke attached to another person emotionally to be broken and every spirit to go to dry places in the name of Christ of Nazareth. Father God, I thank you for freedom from the bondage of all ungodly sexual soul ties!
souls knit together, spiritual connection between our soul and another person’s soul, become one flesh and ties two souls together in the spiritual realm.
Ungodly Soul ties can also be found in close friendships – Co-dependency being connected emotionally (not sexually). They are not just limited to marriage but anyone who we become dependent on with one another over God. For example: King David and Jonathan. This is also known as inordinate affection (co-dependency), no sex involved. It is calling evil good. This opens the door to demonic oppression symptoms.
1 Samuel 18:1, “And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”
Ungodly Soul ties can develop between a mother and son and the son is not able to bond with his wife because of the demand and manipulation of the mother or mother with daughter because of ungodly soul ties – co-dependency issues.
The Negative Effects of Ungodly Soul Ties
Ungodly Soul ties can be used for the devil’s advantage by holding two people in hostage to each other when outside of marriage. Do you suffer from a broken heart – cannot forget the person you have been with? You are in another relationship and maybe married but cannot forget this person and it affects your relationship with your present relationship and/or marriage.
More definition of Soul Ties: Ungodly Soul ties formed from sex outside of marriage causes a person to become defiled in the spiritual realm. The heart gets tangled and is hard to break loose once that soul tie is in place. It is like invisible ropes and cords connecting you with the other person.
Genesis 34:2-3, “And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spoke kindly unto the damsel.
Ungodly Soul Ties to Ex-lover
The common problem is the person will still have ‘feelings’ towards an ex-lover that they may not have seen in years but still think about them even 20 years down the road. That person could be married and have a good marriage but it is still connected to their mind. You cannot stop thinking about them and can interfere with intimacy with your present husband. That is a sexual soul tie.
In friendship relationship, one person usually is controlling the other (matriarchal witchcraft) and the other has allowed it and is hard to break free from an unhealthy relationship. Another name co-dependency. One in control and the other dependent on the other.
In a mother son or mother daughter relationship there is usually manipulation through guilt and shame. The relationship is unhealthy! Example, the son has to drop everything to take care of the mother. This opens the door for the other partner to go into an adulterous relationship.
An Ungodly Soul tie grabs hold of you in the now and pulls you in the past. You cannot operate in the now with truth and logic reality and will mess everything around you in the now because your mind and soul
and emotions are tied to the other person.
Breaking Ungodly Soul
1. Take Responsibility
2. Recognize
3. Repent
4. Renounce any claim
5. Cast it Down
6. Cut the Cords
7. Refuse to go back
8. Rebuke the enemy
9. Reorder your life
10. Get rid of the stuff
11. Renew your commitment to the Lord
Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties Prayer
Father God, in the name Christ of Nazareth, I repent and renounce my ungodly soul ties to someone else or something. I ask for your forgiveness and from any and all sexual sins I have committed. I now ask, in the name of Christ of Nazareth, that by the power all ungodly sexual soul ties in my past or present would be broken! I ask that my soul will be released and broken from the other soul or other person or thing now.
I call back all fragments of my soul so that I may be whole, complete and pure. I send back all soul fragments of those I became one with. I command that my mind forget that union (or unions) and right now I release all false responsibility or guilt for that person (or persons or thing). I also command my emotions to “let go and forget” in the name of Christ of Nazareth. I now command every evil spirit that gained access to my life, through any ungodly sexual soul tie or yoke attached to another person emotionally to be broken and every spirit to go to dry places in the name of Christ of Nazareth. Father God, I thank you for freedom from the bondage of all ungodly sexual soul ties!
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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In this blog, I want to give you specific areas that will give demons the full legal right to be able to come directly after someone if they happen to fall into any of these specific areas for any extended length of time.
Willful Sin
Obviously not every sin will cause demons to attack us. But where you will get into trouble in this specific area is on the heavier types of sins, especially if those heavier types of sins are being done on some kind of a regular basis for quite a long period of time with no intent by the person to try and pull out of it.
The Occult
Any dabbling whatsoever with any area of the occult. I am talking about playing with a ouija board even one time, or seeing a fortuneteller or psychic even one time.Just one time with any area of the occult could be a major door opener for demonic. I cannot tell you how many emails we have received from people all around the world who have drawn demons into their lives as a result of dabbling or experimenting with different areas of the occult. This specific sin area is nothing to mess around with. These demons are also the most violent type and the hardest ones to try and actually cast out.
Inheritance – Generational
Another major area that demons will look to play in is in the area of the family generation line.You will need to see if any of their family members have any type of heavier sins on them such as heavy drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide, major depression, any kind of heavy involvement with the occult, or any kind of sexual and/or physical abuse.
Ungodly Soul Ties
A soul tie can either be a good one or a bad one. A good soul tie is when you develop a good, godly, and healthy spiritual bond with another person. Good soul ties should be developing between parents and their children, between husbands and wives, and between people who are good friends with one another.
A good example of a good type of soul tie in the Bible is the friendship that had occurred between King David and Jonathan. The Bible says that the souls of David and Jonathan were knitted together,But just as a soul tie can be a good, godly, and healthy one, they can also go in the opposite direction where they can then become ungodly and unhealthy.Ungodly soul ties can also occur between parents and their children. It can also occur between a husband and wife if the one spouse is either verbally and/or physically abusing the other spouse. Ungodly soul ties can also occur between two friends.
As a result, many people fall into slavery to other people because they are too afraid to stand up for themselves and too afraid to try and break away from the ones who are abusing them. Since demons are all about control and domination, they will waste no time in moving in on someone if they see they are being abnormally controlled and manipulated by another person.
As such, every unhealthy and ungodly soul tie that is still in a person’s life needs to be fully broken before the Lord so the demonic will have nothing else left to feed on!
This next legal right is also a major feeding ground for the demonic. You can break addictions down into two different types – those that are behaviorally based and those that are chemically based. But whether an addiction is chemically based or behaviorally based, once again, demons will waste no time in moving in to try and make matters even worse.
what you will have to do to break these kinds of legal rights with the demonic is to do the following,
Repent and renounce on each one of these sins.
Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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How to Make Your Own Holy Water
Things You'll Need!
Natural water
Pure salt
Containers for salt and water
Natural water
Pure salt
Containers for salt and water
Various religions use holy water for cleansing, protection, and blessings. Many people believe that holy water can only be truly sanctified by an ordained priest. This is wrong; your faith will determine how effective the holy water is.
(1) Gather and consecrate your salt.
You will need to create holy salt before you can create holy water, so consecrate the salt (i.e. make it sacred or holy) first. Take some pure salt (e.g., Kosher salt or natural rock salt with no added ingredients) and add it to a container, such as a small bowl or jar. Once you are ready to bless the salt, say your prayer. Personalize your prayer to fit the use of the holy water. It will be more effective if it is personalized towards the situation that you are using it for.
(2) Obtain some water from a natural source if possible.
If you can, get your water from a nearby lake, stream, or river. Try to stay away from tap water, since it may have additives such as chlorine and fluoride in it. However, if your water is obtained naturally, filter it beforehand. You don't want dirty holy water!
(3) Pour the salt into the water
Once you’ve cleansed both the salt and the water, the final step is to combine them. Add the salt to the water. As you pour in the salt, recite the following: “May this salt and water be mixed together; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
(4) Bless the holy water
Once you’ve made your holy water, you can bless it using the following prayer: “Blessed are you, Lord, Almighty God, who deigned to bless us in Christ, the living water of our salvation."
(5) Use your holy water to bless your home and family
Once you’ve finished making your holy water, place it in the container of your choice, such as a small glass vial or plastic spray bottle. You can sprinkle it around different rooms in your home. We do not recommend using the holy water to perform exorcisms or deliverance sessions unless you are properly training in the method of deliverance or Rite of Exorcism.
Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
(1) Gather and consecrate your salt.
You will need to create holy salt before you can create holy water, so consecrate the salt (i.e. make it sacred or holy) first. Take some pure salt (e.g., Kosher salt or natural rock salt with no added ingredients) and add it to a container, such as a small bowl or jar. Once you are ready to bless the salt, say your prayer. Personalize your prayer to fit the use of the holy water. It will be more effective if it is personalized towards the situation that you are using it for.
(2) Obtain some water from a natural source if possible.
If you can, get your water from a nearby lake, stream, or river. Try to stay away from tap water, since it may have additives such as chlorine and fluoride in it. However, if your water is obtained naturally, filter it beforehand. You don't want dirty holy water!
(3) Pour the salt into the water
Once you’ve cleansed both the salt and the water, the final step is to combine them. Add the salt to the water. As you pour in the salt, recite the following: “May this salt and water be mixed together; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
(4) Bless the holy water
Once you’ve made your holy water, you can bless it using the following prayer: “Blessed are you, Lord, Almighty God, who deigned to bless us in Christ, the living water of our salvation."
(5) Use your holy water to bless your home and family
Once you’ve finished making your holy water, place it in the container of your choice, such as a small glass vial or plastic spray bottle. You can sprinkle it around different rooms in your home. We do not recommend using the holy water to perform exorcisms or deliverance sessions unless you are properly training in the method of deliverance or Rite of Exorcism.
Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
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Olive Oil For Demonic Problems and Health Issues
They forced many demons out of people and put olive oil on many who were sick and healed them.(Mark 6:13)
Many health problems can be demonic in nature and can be cured simply and effectively with anointed oil. Daily, take a few tablespoons of anointed oil, and if you have external problems,
apply it liberally to the skin in that area.
How to make anointed oil
You don't need a priest or anything special, just prayer. Simply take a bottle of olive oil and pray over it. "Father, thank you for this oil, please bless it, sanctify it in Jesus name".
It is now ready for use.
Have you ever considered anointing your home?
How to Anoint Your Home with Oil
Small cup or bowl.
Olive Oil (Exodus 30:24-25, Psalm 23:5, James 5:14)
Remove and destroy all objects of false worship
Remove objects left by previous owners
Rid your home of any sin you might have brought in (pornography, etc.)
Confess your sins before the Lord, ask Him to create in you a pure heart (Psalm 50:10)
Find and prepare any Bible verses that are specific to your situation.
Pour a little olive oil into a bowl or cup
Dip fingers lightly
Pray aloud in every room as you anoint the room... pay special attention to problem areas.
Anoint the thresholds of the doorway and windows (Exodus 12:7).
Submit to God and resist the devil, aloud, in your prayers as told in James 4:7
(Example: Father God, we surrender our lives to You, help our will become Yours.
We resist the devil, Father, and in Your name he must flee.)
Rebuke the power of darkness as we see Jesus did in Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:1-13, & Luke 10:19
(Example: Satan, you are not wanted here. Get out in the name of Jesus Christ. It is in His name that I
command you and all of your demons to leave our property right now.)
Ask to be covered in the blood of Jesus as referenced in Revelation 12:11 and Acts 20:28
(Example: Oh Lord, we need You! Thank You for purchasing me with the blood of Your Son.
Cover this room in the blood of the Lamb.)
Final Prayer:
Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that You are the Lord of heaven and Earth. In Your sovereign power and love, You have entrusted me with many things. Thank You for this place to live. I claim my home as a place of spiritual safety for me and my family and ask for Your protection from all the attacks of the enemy. As a child of God, raised up and seated with Christ in the heavenly places, I command every evil spirit claiming ground in this place, based on the activities of past or present occupants, including me and my family, to leave and never return. I renounce all demonic assignments directed against this place. I ask You, Heavenly Father, to post Your holy angels around this place to guard it from any and all attempts of the enemy to enter and disturb Your purposes for me and my family.
I thank You.
apply it liberally to the skin in that area.
How to make anointed oil
You don't need a priest or anything special, just prayer. Simply take a bottle of olive oil and pray over it. "Father, thank you for this oil, please bless it, sanctify it in Jesus name".
It is now ready for use.
Have you ever considered anointing your home?
How to Anoint Your Home with Oil
Small cup or bowl.
Olive Oil (Exodus 30:24-25, Psalm 23:5, James 5:14)
Remove and destroy all objects of false worship
Remove objects left by previous owners
Rid your home of any sin you might have brought in (pornography, etc.)
Confess your sins before the Lord, ask Him to create in you a pure heart (Psalm 50:10)
Find and prepare any Bible verses that are specific to your situation.
Pour a little olive oil into a bowl or cup
Dip fingers lightly
Pray aloud in every room as you anoint the room... pay special attention to problem areas.
Anoint the thresholds of the doorway and windows (Exodus 12:7).
Submit to God and resist the devil, aloud, in your prayers as told in James 4:7
(Example: Father God, we surrender our lives to You, help our will become Yours.
We resist the devil, Father, and in Your name he must flee.)
Rebuke the power of darkness as we see Jesus did in Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:1-13, & Luke 10:19
(Example: Satan, you are not wanted here. Get out in the name of Jesus Christ. It is in His name that I
command you and all of your demons to leave our property right now.)
Ask to be covered in the blood of Jesus as referenced in Revelation 12:11 and Acts 20:28
(Example: Oh Lord, we need You! Thank You for purchasing me with the blood of Your Son.
Cover this room in the blood of the Lamb.)
Final Prayer:
Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that You are the Lord of heaven and Earth. In Your sovereign power and love, You have entrusted me with many things. Thank You for this place to live. I claim my home as a place of spiritual safety for me and my family and ask for Your protection from all the attacks of the enemy. As a child of God, raised up and seated with Christ in the heavenly places, I command every evil spirit claiming ground in this place, based on the activities of past or present occupants, including me and my family, to leave and never return. I renounce all demonic assignments directed against this place. I ask You, Heavenly Father, to post Your holy angels around this place to guard it from any and all attempts of the enemy to enter and disturb Your purposes for me and my family.
I thank You.
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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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