Blog views The Curses of Incest and being aIllegitimate ChildIllegitimacy and incest are the only two curses in the Bible that affect ten generations Illegitimate the term is not frequently heard today, the Bible uses the word “illegitimate” to refer to children born to unwed parents. I have witnessed that the most common demonic strongholds to hinder these children are as follows: rejection, abandonment, insecurity, hiding, and shame. (Rev. 12:4) and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.” The enemy will use any opening he can to bring torment against children. Illegitimacy and incest are the only two curses in the Bible that affect ten generations. A person of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation (Deut. 23:2). From the inception of this curse, ten generations equals 2048 descendants! The statistics published by the Center for Disease Control show that 40.6% of all births are born to unmarried parents. The number is astounding. Last year that number was 1,595,873 children. To break it down further by ethnicity: 72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock, 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives, 53.3 percent of Hispanics, 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders. I see it on the faces of my clients when I ask them if their parents were married when they were born. Their body language shifts and their continence changes. I can see shame and embarrassment as they say; “I am illegitimate, and so are my children.” Often my clients will tell me; “My mother was really young when she had me. She hid her pregnancy from her parents because she was ashamed of me. I was not wanted and I have always felt rejected. I feel guilty for ruining my mother’s chances at life. She gave everything up for me and I got pregnant at the same age she did. Word curses of rejection can begin at conception. They are the foundation for demonic birth assignments constructed to hinder the child throughout their life. Many clients know their parents considered aborting them. This knowledge immediately invites demonic spirits of rejection and insecurity to begin their destructive work. I remember when I started noticing a pattern of these tormentors with a client years back. She always felt disconnected. She called herself the “black sheep” of the family. She isolated herself and hid in fear as a child. This pattern continued into adulthood as she hid to avoid family gatherings. She had trouble staying connected to the Church.The enemy is no respecter of person. He will use any entry way to keep God’s children from fulfilling their purpose in life. His mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) Break the Birth Assignment Today! Speak out loud: “In the name of Christ, I confess the sin of illegitimacy from my forefathers and declare the power of this inherited curse broken on my bloodline. I also break the power of any word curses spoken over me of not being wanted, list all word curses and who spoke them. I also break any unknown curses and those I have declared over myself. I cancel the assignment of every spirit of rejection, isolation, insecurity, abandonment and shame from these curses and declare that you have no hold on me, in Christ name. I am a child of the King! I am loved! I was planned by God. He knew me before he formed me in my mother’s womb. I am blessed not cursed. I am embraced, not rejected. I am free!” This declaration will begin a new journey for you on the road to freedom. Your next steps may include a deeper path through deliverance.Let us know if we can help you begin. Deliver Us From Fair Use Act
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February 2025
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