Blog views Occult controlled: Understanding the power of the media and television. "Hocus Pocus" They put a spell on you? Satanic agents control most of the media and television today. ( "Tell-a-vision.”) The television and media is a very powerful occult tool. To understand how the television and media can be used to program the mind, let us investigate the words "media" and "television." By investigating these two words, we will uncover interesting words and information to help us understand the occult power of the media and television. As a non-collective noun, the word media is the plural form of the word medium, meaning "a middle state or condition; mean." It can also mean "an intervening substance, as air, through which a force acts or an effect is produced" or "one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television" . The word medium is derived from the Latin word medius, meaning middle. ”A word that has a strong connection to the word medium is television, which is made up of the prefix tele- and the word vision." defines the word television using these words: "the transmission of programming, in the form of still or moving images, via radio waves, cable wires, satellite, or wireless network to a receiver or other screen”. The same online dictionary also defines it as "an electronic device or set for receiving television broadcasts or similar programming”. An important word that we need to investigate in the previous definition is programming. This word is made up of the word program, meaning "a plan of action to accomplish a specified end" or "a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed." It is important to know that programs contain words and symbols. Every word is made up of letters, which are symbols that represent ideas, also known as ideograms. All letters of the alphabet have the power to convey information. Because of this, they can be used to program the mind. In a television show, also known as a TV show, words are used to convey information to viewers to program their minds. This is why TV shows are called TV programs. They are using TV programs and the art of spelling words to program our minds. An important word that we need to investigate in the previous sentence is spelling. This word can be reduced to the word spell, meaning "a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power". Words have magic power and therefore each letter of a word is a sigil, meaning "a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic” Anton LaVey He was the founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of Satanism. Because words have magic power, they can be used to hypnotize the mind with positive or negative spells. Furthermore, they can be used to stimulate the mind to produce thoughts, which can be transformed into ideas. The subconscious mind projects many of these thoughts and ideas into the external world as material things. In other words, the material objects that we see around us are projected thoughts clothed with material form. Because words have the power to stimulate the mind to produce thoughts, they can be used to control the collective reality of mankind. One of the best technologies for doing this is television, which is phonetically "tell-a-vision.” When you really think about it, you should realize that television or "tell-a-vision" is being used to tell you a vision to program your mind with magic spells. This is why the word broadcast is used to convey the transmission of TV programs to viewers. Did you notice that the word broadcast has the word cast in it? To broadcast programs through the medium television is to cast magic spells to hypnotize the mind with sigils, which are magic symbols, also known as letters and words. Keep in mind that television can be used for good or evil purposes. Unfortunately, in the United States and many nations throughout the world, the Dark Force and its agents control most of the media. Because of this, they are able to broadcast disempowering and deceptive words through the power of television to hypnotize men, women, and children, allowing the Dark Force to create a world that supports sinful ideas and demonic behaviors.. I will set no worthless or wicked thing before my eyes. |
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